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Spanish teacher online for adults - Profesora de inglés online para adultos - Teacher specialised in Bilingualism


Un clan con interés en el idioma natal


Spanish - English

At Clan Natal, we do not understand language learning simply as a course with an end date,
we see it as a lifestyle!

If you would like to know more about my programs and how I can help you, do not hesitate to contact me.

Unlike other traditional language academies, at Clan Natal, you will enjoy personalized learning from the comfort of your home or anywhere. To do this, we will use a calendar where you can book your live classes and access them at the scheduled time with just one click.

But not only that, you will also be part of an international community, with English and Spanish students, where you can meet people, practice more and learn about their cultures and countries through the use of the language. To do this, every week we have trending topics with exclusive material to discuss in the community and in our weekly bilingual classes .

You will also have access to carefully prepared content to overcome each level along with grammar, stories to practice reading and listening, vocabulary, interactive activities and conversation proposals to speak. You will practice all the skills and overcome all the levels!

Habitación blanca
Spanish teacher online for adults from Spain - Profesora de inglés online - Spanish lessons online by zoom - Clases de inglés con profesora online por zoom

My name is Natalia, I am the creator of Clan Natal, a teacher of Spanish and English as foreign languages specialized in bilingualism between these two languages.

My name has the Latin root "nata
l", qwhich relates to "native and life", and that's what myproject: Create a "clan" of people who are passionate about English, Spanish and life.

I could tell you more about myself and my language teaching, but it's better if my students tell you. 

Robert, Spanish Program

Natalia was extremely friendly and helpful in explaining the material. I’m addition, she was well-prepared and was able to give me a bath clear and supportive example of what I could expect with taking lessons from her. I already signed up! You should too! 😃

Amanda, English Program

Las clases con Natalia han sido muy interesante. Además del aprendizaje, creo que pensar y debatir en inglés sobre temas de nuestro dia, mejora las destrezas y capacidad para aprender un idioma, en mi caso, inglés. Gracias por hacerlo así de fácil.

Linda, Spanish Program

Natalia provides excellent learning. Her modules are organised and structured. I find them very helpful. They meet my expectations

Ancla 1

Luca, English Program

Clases estupendas, sin presión, ni agobios. Como charlar con un amigo de toda la vida. Natalia es dinámica, divertida y enseña muy bien. Con ganas de seguir aprendiendo y disfrutando.

Xia, Spanish Program

Gracias. Estoy muy feliz de haber tomado tu clases en estos 3 meses, he aprendido mucho y ganado confianza. Cuidate y nos vemos a la vuelta.

Cristina, English Program

Natalia con su paciencia me corrige y me hace sentir muy cómoda. Yo creo que con ella he avanzado bastante en el speaking. 
I enjoy Natalia's classes, she has a lot of patience and teaches me grammar, speaking and writing very well.

Chloe, Spanish Program

Having class with Natalia is like talking to a friend who is patient in understanding you and always ready to help you wherever she can. In order for me to understand what she says in Spanish, she talks slowly, pronounces very word clearly and she often asks questions and elaborates on her points to make sure I’m with her. She also creates opportunities for me to speak more in Spanish and corrects me when she identifies some error or areas for improvement. I appreciate all these. I look forward to having more class with Natalia and exchanging more ideas with her through the practice of Spanish to achieve the goal that we both agreed on for the class: to gain more confidence when speaking a foreign language.

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